Farmstrong’s Turn on Your Core Challenge
Module Overview
Welcome to the Farmstrong “Turn on Your Core” four week challenge
If you spend just ten minutes a day, four days a week doing this routine you’ll soon feel stronger, be more flexible and have better balance. Taking time to warm up your body also helps prevent injury.
The challenge is for people of all shapes and sizes and requires no specialist equipment. Start at week one and repeat this routine up to four times a day at least four days a week. Each week if you feel like your body can handle it, add in an additional challenge of a campfire crouch, bunny hop or left and right step up. Either way by staying with the week one routine or adding in additional challenges, you’ll soon notice improvements.
For guidance on how to do the challenge and each of the routines you can view the videos for weeks 1-4 and download the poster and flyer.
Joining the Farmstrong Challenge will ‘turn on your core’ so that your body will stay ‘long and strong’ through the day. If you’re carrying an existing strain, injury or heart condition check those out first with a physio or doctor to make sure all the routines are right for you.
Good luck!
Week One – Turn on Your Core Challenge
For week one of the Farmstrong ‘Turn on Your Core’ Challenge you’ll be starting with the basics: planks, dips and walk backs. Follow along with the 1 minute video below and then repeat it four more times, focusing on technique and keeping your core tight.
The challenge takes less than 10 minutes a day to complete. Choose a time that regularly works best for you. The aim is that by the end of four weeks it will be a habit you want to keep because of the difference it has made.
Week Two – Turn on Your Core Challenge
For week two of the Farmstrong ‘Turn on Your Core’ Challenge you’ll again be starting with planks, dips and walk backs, but this time you will also be adding in a jump and campfire crouch. Again follow along with the 1 minute video below and then repeat it four times, always focusing on your technique and keeping your core tight.
Week Three – Turn on Your Core Challenge
For week three of the Farmstrong ‘Turn on your Core’ Challenge it’s once again planks, dips and walk backs with a jump and a campfire crouch. This week you will also be adding in a bunny hop, this move is a challenge so start slowly and repeat it four times, focusing on your technique and keeping your core tight.
Week Four – Turn on Your Core Challenge
For week four of the Farmstrong ‘Turn on your Core’ Challenge it’s the same routine of planks, dips, walk backs, the jump, campfire crouch and the bunny hop. This week you will also be adding in a step-up on each side. Whilst doing these keep your focus on your core, hold tight and repeat the move. Once again repeat the whole routine four times.
Download Farmstrong’s Turn on Your Challenge poster and flyer.