Leaning Forward

Wairarapa farmer James Bruce combines running a busy sheep farm with horse breaking and rugby coaching. This is how he makes it all work.

How’s the season going?

We were pretty dry at the start of December which is normal, but then it rained so we’ve got extra grass which is good, and the prices are better than expected too. So, it’s a happy place to be at the moment.

Tell us about your operation.

I run 7,000 stock units. I used to do it all by myself but over the past year I’ve had a young guy who’s just starting out his farming career helping four days a week and my kids and other local school kids help me out on the weekends and holidays, which is great.

When you worked alone how did you manage the isolation?

I think the fist pump moments in farming are the small wins in your day. The times you smile or laugh at something or take a moment to stop and take in your surroundings or even sing a song. Sometimes I get tangled up in a song and sing away. They’re the moments that we need to look for. That’s what keeps me going.

Yes, I noticed the other day on Facebook you went to a hill of your farm and shared the view with everyone. Why did you do that?

That day I switched the bike off there and sat for about five minutes. And I just thought, far out this is real cool. I was at the top of the hill, so I was only going down after that [laughs]. There was no wind. Great view. It just reminded me, that’s why I love farming.

You’re really active in your community aren’t you?

Yes, I love to connect with others and sport’s been a great way to do that. I’ve coached rugby here since 2010. So, Mondays and Thursdays I run rugby training, Wednesday and Fridays I run classes at the local gym. I also break horses. So, all up, I probably spend around 10 hours a week working horses and 20 hours on rugby on top of a 60-hour week of farming.

How do you find the time to fit it all in?

I’m really lucky I’ve got a supportive family who also love sport. We’ve only ever been on one holiday in the last 15 years! All of our breaks are things like the girls’ hockey tournaments [laughs].

But why do you make such an effort to get off farm?

I take the time off because I love what I do, and I always want to keep doing it. After I finished playing rugby, I realised that if I didn’t have something to go to I would literally be working til 9 every night because I love it so much.

Making commitments like turning up at 6pm for rugby training gives me a reason to pull the pin each day and get some balance in my life. It gets me off farm and helps preserve my love of farming.

What’s the key to making it all work so you don’t feel overwhelmed?

I’m super organised. Everything’s in my diary so I’ve got a really clear picture of what I’m doing for the week ahead.

I also work in the weekends. I know if I do 4 hours on a Saturday and Sunday, my whole week’s going to be manageable and enjoyable. I’m not tapped out. I can go on a rugby trip with my rep team or go to Wellington to watch the Hurricanes and relax because I know the farm’s sorted.

I think when you give your brain that certainty you can relax a bit, so I’m a big planner. I also find it very motivating to tick jobs off. In the back of my mind I’m thinking, yeah sweet that’s done.

What about those days when nothing seems to go right? How do you keep your head in the game?

If I’m under the pump a little bit and I’ve got to break in a horse, I’ve learnt to take a step back and ‘downsize’ mentally so I’m cool, calm and collected. Horses keep you honest. You can’t fool a horse.  If I go in there all hurried or worried, it’ll be a total stuff up. It doesn’t matter what sort of day I’ve had, I’ve gotta leave it all at the gate.

It’s the same at rugby training. The boys will mimic my mood. If I’m bubbly and excited, it’ll go well. If I just go through the motions, it’ll ripple through the whole team.

Even if I’ve had a hard day or I haven’t got something finished on farm, I just tell myself, it doesn’t matter, it’s going to be there tomorrow. I make sure my mind is completely switched off from the farm and I am totally focused on what’s in front of me.

What does being Farmstrong mean to you?

Farmstrong’s about being capable of making the most of the land in front of you.  That’s why I run these gym classes. If I’ve got three days of dagging or a day’s shearing in front of me, I know if I go to the gym, I’ll be ready, whereas if I didn’t go I’d be sore as hell for days after.

To make the best use of the land while we’re here, we need to be in the best shape and frame of mind.

What advice would you offer someone starting out in farming?

Back yourself. When we started, people told us we were dreaming. I managed a couple of farms, then we bought a couple of houses and used them to buy this farm. That was 20 years ago and it’s only in the last five years we’ve felt comfortable with where we’re at. But when you’ve built up your farm from scratch like we have, it means so much.

What have you learnt along the way?

Farming’s about understanding and getting enjoyment from the small moments. If you can just get 1% better every day, over the course of a year, you’ll be 365% better. All those little wins are what give you the feel-good factor in farming.

You’ve just gotta keep leaning forward. There’s a reason they make rear vision mirrors so small. You don’t see a whole lot back there, because you don’t need to.

Farmstrong is a nationwide, rural wellbeing programme that helps farmers manage the ups and downs of farming and growing. Last year, 15,000 farmers and growers improved their wellbeing thanks to Farmstrong. To find out what works for you and lock it in, visit www.farmstrong.co.nz

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