‘Bitches’ Box’ Show To Tour Cyclone-Hit Regions
Module Overview
Farmstrong is teaming up with the Rural Support Trust to bring the Bitches’ Box: Episode 4 comedy show to flood-affected, rural communities around the North Island.
The shows will provide a chance for farmers and growers to have a fun night out with friends off farm after an incredibly challenging year.
The Bitches Box: Episode 4 looks at life on a high country station from a dog’s point of view during the chaos of muster time.
Actors Emma Newborn and Amelia Dunbar are revisiting their most-loved dog characters in a fast-paced, multi-character comedy that’s made them ‘world famous in rural NZ.’
Their three previous shows – ‘The Bitches’ Box’, ‘Sons Of A Bitch’ and ‘Life’s A Bitch’ – have been strongly supported by rural communities and earned glowing reviews here and overseas.
Amelia Dunbar, who comes from a rural background, says she’s aware these communities are in the midst of a long-haul recovery.
“We know it’s been a tough year for many farmers and growers and there’s still a lot of work ahead, so we wanted to do whatever we could to help. We can’t be there doing fencing or driving diggers, but what we can do is bring people together in these communities and make them laugh.”
“That’s why we’ve created a show that takes people back to the lighter aspects of rural life. It’s silly, upbeat and irreverent. If we can get people laughing and lift their spirits for an evening that will be a job well done. This is a show for rural New Zealanders who love their dogs and love their comedy. ”
“A bonus for us is that we get to spend time in these amazing communities and hear their stories. That’s going to be pretty special too.”
Farmstrong spokesperson Gerard Vaughan says that: “Often, when we are under the pump on farm or orchard, we get so busy that we forget to do the things that help us to get through.”
“These shows create an opportunity for farmers and growers, their families and their teams to have a night off, have a laugh and connect with others. Having breaks away from the day-to-day challenges is a great way to refresh so you are in a good headspace to keep going.”
The tour kicks off on 9 April and runs through to 11 May, with shows scheduled in Northland, Wairarapa, Tararua, Manawatu and Tairawhiti/Gisborne.
All tickets are $15 which includes a BBQ dinner. The BBQ starts at 6.30pm. The show starts at 7.30pm.
To book tickets head to the Farmstrong website www.farmstrong.co.nz/events
Northland Shows
- Tuesday 9 April – Kaipara College Hall, Helensville
- Wednesday 10 April – Port Albert Hall, Port Albert
- Thursday 11 April – Matakohe War Memorial Hall, Matakohe
- Friday 12 April – Parakao Hall, Parakao
- Saturday 13 April – Broadwood Community Hall, Broadwood
- Sunday 14 April – Umawera Hall, Umawera
Tairawhiti/Gisborne Shows
- Thursday 18 April – Turihaua Angus Sales Complex
- Friday 19 April – Waerenga-O-Kuri Hall
- Saturday 20 April – Matawai Memorial Hall
Wairarapa, Tararua, Manawatu Shows
- Thursday 9 May – Gladstone Complex, Wairarapa
- Friday 10 May – Weber Hall, Tararua
- Saturday 11 May – Camp Rangi, Pohangina Valley