Tumbling Downs The upheaval caused by two earthquakes and the end of a relationship left north Canterbury sheep and beef farmer Kara Lynn in a tough spot.…
Keeping Fit for Calving A series of videos designed to help women stay fit for the calving season is being promoted again this year by Farmstrong. The videos aim…
Start the ball rolling Sheep scanner and crutcher Ben O’Carroll recently ran 112k from the Cheviot Hotel to the Carlton pub in Christchurch to raise awareness about mental health…
Tackling wellbeing at Farmstrong rugby event Dairy farmer Mohi Beckham-Adams says he enjoyed watching the recent Bay of Plenty versus Waikato rugby match, but it was the socialising and connecting with…
Making the most of it The upheaval caused by two earthquakes and the end of a relationship left north Canterbury sheep and beef farmer Kara Lynn in a tough spot.…
The Farmstrong Story Here’s a handy introduction into some of the key ideas behind Farmstrong and how it works to improve the wellbeing of more than 20,000 farmers…
The Gumboot Express When dairy farmer Harjinder Singh Chander isn’t looking after cows, he’s busy running to raise awareness about rural mental health. Here’s why. Otago dairy farmer…
Big Picture Thinking Bay of Plenty dairy farmer Mohi Beckham-Adams has introduced some innovative ideas to nurture not just his land, but also the people who work on…
Live for the day Simon Cook leads a busy life in the booming Kiwifruit industry. He owns a 5-hectare Kiwifruit orchard in the Bay of Plenty, runs a contracting…
Life Lessons A family tragedy and health challenges taught Terry Murray a lot about what it takes to navigate tough times. Now’s he’s sharing those lessons with…
You Matter, Let’s Natter Farmstrong’s You Matter, Let’s Natter campaign is encouraging farmers to catch up with colleagues and neighbours over a cuppa to see how they’re going. Southland…
Falling Off The Perch Jason Halford’s thriving sharemilking career was brought to an abrupt halt by burn out. Now he’s sharing his story to help others avoid a similar…