Farmstrong Supporters’ Network meeting
Module Overview
The inaugural Farmstrong Supporters Network meeting was held in November, bringing together like-minded farmers with a passion for helping others.
Farmstrong invited 16 farmers from around the country who have played a key role in supporting Farmstrong’s mission of improving the wellbeing of farmers and growers.
The hour-long meeting was held online and was an opportunity for everyone to introduce themselves and to get to know each other.
Otago high country sheep and beef farmer and long-time Farmstrong champion Jack Cocks attended the meeting and was blown away by the calibre of people present.
“It was really interesting and very inspiring to hear everybody’s story and how and why they became involved in the wellbeing area,” says Jack, who almost died from a brain aneurysm.
“A lot of people had faced adversity themselves, while others are wellbeing champions out of the goodness of their hearts.”
He says there were so many amazing stories of what people had done to help others and what they were currently doing.
“It was really exciting to hear their stories and I’m keen to be involved in the Farmstrong Supporters Network going forward.”
Network to meet every two months
Jack says anybody who is doing work in the wellbeing space would benefit from joining the network.
“It’s a great initiative to share ideas and resources and learn from one another.”
The group will meet every two months to support each other and exchange ideas, with plans for an in-person get together at some stage down the line.
Farmstrong also plans to invite experts to the meetings to share their knowledge on topics like sleep, nutrition, thinking strategies and coping with stress.
It will also keep participants up-to-date with the latest resources available, which can be shared and utilised to help improve wellbeing.
Jack says it was a real privilege to be part of the inaugural meeting.
“It was great to connect with other like-minded people who are passionate about helping others and getting the Farmstrong message out there.”
If you’re interested in becoming a part of the Farmstrong Supporters Network, email info@farmstrong.co.nz.