Sam Whitelock’s summer break plans
Module Overview
I’m really excited about taking a break over summer after a busy season on the football field and visiting my new farm in Hawke’s Bay. Whether you’re playing rugby or farming, taking time off to rest and recover is a massive part of keeping well. Being able to take a break and have a rest from rugby with my family means I’m able to keep performing at my best. It may sound odd but, in the same way you plan to get things done, I think you need to make time to plan a break and recharge the batteries.
As part of my time in the Bay, we’re really looking forward to getting out and about and meeting people in our new community too. I reckon there’s no stronger community than a rural community. My new farm is currently being managed by family members. Once my rugby career finishes, my family and I are planning on making a permanent move there.
Taking time to connect with others is worth the effort. I appreciate it takes a bit of time and energy to head out and catch up with people, when staying at home and putting your feet up after a long day is often the easier choice. If you can find that bit of energy, then you usually feel better for it and the person you visit may really enjoy the company too.
Enjoy your break when you get there
We all have our busy season, whether it’s lambing, calving, harvesting or something else on the farm. While I love what I do, knowing there’s a break at the end helps me get through the tough days.
Connecting with others away from what you do day to day is important. Over summer I like to connect with friends outside of rugby, so I can talk about things apart from my work. Whether it’s going down the road to a barbecue or inviting a couple of mates I haven’t seen for a while to dinner, connecting with people outside of work really freshens me up and keeps life in perspective.
This summer I’ll also be spending time with family and friends at the beach. This means I’ll be in the right frame of mind to give it everything I’ve got when we start training again. Decent rest and recovery make you feel more energised and efficient when you’re back on the job.
If the summer months are a time when you can take a break, then enjoy the time out and give some thought to connecting with friends, family, neighbours or people you may not have seen for a while.
If the summer months aren’t your down time, perhaps see if you can lock in some time during your busy season to plan what you’ll do when the heat comes off.
Either way, enjoy your break when you get there.
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